
Rudraksha benefits all kinds of people irrespective of their age, sex, culture, caste, location, and religion. They reflect only positive effects on the persons who use them. There are no negative effects of Rudraksha. Rudraksha rejuvenates one's Mind, Soul, and Body and makes them perform to their full potential and raise the quality of life on an overall aspect.
The term was derived from the origin where 'Rudra' is the other name of Lord Shiva and 'aksha' signifies the teardrops coming out of the eyes. It is believed that the tear drops falling from the eyes of Lord Shiva grow the plant from where Rudraksha is got. These are available in various sizes and each of them has its own specialty and significance. Rudraksha has various remedial uses in Medicine, Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, and Vastu Shastra.
Rudraksha has the tendency to control blood-related diseases, heart attacks, and heart beating and it cures problems related to Nervous System. It removes the excess heat from the body and protects the body and heals smallpox and wounds affected by bites of venomous snakes and insects.
Some other uses are like:
1. It raises the power in prayer and Sadhna
2. Help in a deep and sound sleep
3. Clarity of mind from the fear of evil and negative aspects of life.
4. Barren women would be definitely blessed with a baby when she uses the Rudraksha.
5. Helps in the arousing of Kundalini.
6. Protects the person who wears it from body-related diseases.
Rudraksha can be worn after proper worship of Lord Shiva and by reciting particular mantras on Mondays. There are actually 1-21 faced Rudraksha, each having their ruling planets and special importance in curing the diseases, and the day, in particular, to be worn.
Rudraksha and Planets:
1. One Mukhi – Sun.
2. Two Mukhi – Moon.
3. Three Mukhi – Mars.
4. Four Mukhi – Mercury.
5. Five Mukhi – Jupiter.
6. Six Mukhi – Venus.
7. Seven Mukhi – Saturn.
8. Eight Mukhi – Rahu.
9. Nine Mukhi – Ketu.
Rudraksha is a divine seed and is worn for finding remedies for the problems in one's life. Rudraksha is a medicine and remedy as it completely gives positive effects for the person wearing it. In fact, there are some rules while wearing them. They are:
1. It has to be worn after performing prayers and should be worn on promising days like Monday or Thursday
2. Specific mantras need to be chanted while wearing them.
3. It can be worn in the morning after taking a bath
4. Non-vegetarian food and alcohol should be avoided by the person who wears it
5. It should not be taken to funerals and cremation grounds
6. Women must completely not wear it during their menstrual cycle and also shouldn't wear it while having sex
7. Rudraksha has to be clean always and also be oiled.
Best results can be obtained only by the usage of originally specified faced Rudraksha wearing Rudraksha on a Vastu Basis helps the worshipper to be blessed with peace, health, and prosperity. Different Mukhi of Rudraksha is also used for the treatment of different diseases:
1. Heart, spine, diaphragm, thymus, blood, veins, eyesight.
2. Stomach including gastric processes, breasts, lymphatic and nonblood systems, perspiration, saliva, and sympathetic nervous system.
3. Sex glands, adrenal glands, red blood cells, stomach disorders, blood pressure disorders.
4. Hands, arms, lungs, sensory organs, thyroid glands, and brain disorders.
5. Liver, gallbladder, posterior lobe of the pituitary related to growth and thighs, blood pressure disorders.
6. Throat, neck, kidneys, sex organs, thyroid glands.
7. Mental tension, depression, spleen, the skeletal system including cartilage, skin, the lower leg from the knee to the ankle, and the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
8. Sleep disorders.
9. Skin problems, body pain.
10. All respiratory diseases, chronic cough, asthma, and whooping cough.
11. Nervous system disorders.
12. Heart, spine, diaphragm, thymus, blood, veins, eyesight.
13. Throat, neck, kidneys, sex organs, thyroid glands.
14. Mental tension, depression, spleen, the skeletal system including cartilage, skin, the lower leg from the knee to the ankle, and the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
All Rudraksha are available at Astro Help Centre.
Universal Mantra for Rudraksha Worshiping is “OM NAMO SHIVAYA”